Once a large and fortified harbor and city on the east coast of the Cimmerlain Empire it was located south east of Mifalas. It connected the empire with the rest of the world along the east coast of the continent. Through the Great Canal, Damenes was directly connected to the west coast of the empire; it was said that one could travel across the continent from Damenes to Thess in just a week using the canal.
Damenes was once a member of the City States of Cimmer, but the city was completely destroyed by Tsunami in the year 2131. The destruction was so complete that it was decided in unanimous vote by the City States not to rebuild Damenes. To prevent a hostile force from using it, the Damenes section of the Great Canal was dismantled.
Recently, Mifalas has started repairing the Damenes section of the Great Canal to link ocean trade with the city.