Street of Faiths
The Street of Faiths is located within the city of Thess.
The Street of Faiths is located within a demiplane whose entrance is anchored on the city island of Hebro. The entrance is located on a large solid white marble archway.
Inside the demiplane, the "street" undulates a winding path through churches, shrines, temples, buildings, fortresses, extra-dimensional mansions and Menhirs. It is typically twilight within the space, with a gentle ocean breeze, though this can occasionally shift dramatically near temples dedicated to gods of particular times of day or types of weather.
The process for creating a place of worship is straightforward: a worshiper of the deity must cast the "Demiplane" spell each day for a year. At the end of that year, the demiplane grows inside to accommodate a place of worship, or space where a caster can place a created place of worship.
If a place of worship ceases to be used, that part of the demiplane can contract in size and ultimately disappear from the Street of Faiths.
There is no official count of locations with the Street.