Deities, also known as gods, are powerful, divine beings. Little is known about them for certain, but it is known that every deity has within them a divine spark that is the source of their powers. While the origins of most deities are unknown, there are a very small number of deities who are known to have come by their divine sparks in modern times, through various means: Kiaransalee was a mortal raised to godhood by Lolth by splitting her divine spark, while Boccob granted his divine spark to Ioun at the moment of his apparent death. So far, Vecna is the only known instance of a mortal becoming a deity seemingly under his own power, but as he is the god of secrets it is unlikely the knowledge of how he accomplished this feat will ever be spread.
Though the divine spark makes the bearer functionally immortal, it is possible - though extraordinarily difficult, and perhaps impossible without being a god oneself - to kill a deity. This was never evidenced more clearly than in the Deity War, in which Nerull and those allied with him killed a large number of deities in order that the Reaper of Souls might harvest their divine sparks. It is unknown what happened to the sparks Nerull had collected when he was finally destroyed, but most scholars believe that they likely dissipated back into the universe (the more optimistic ones believe that they will one day be used in the creation of new deities to replace those who fell, often citing the Raven Queen as a theoretical example). Many among the clergy of Del'Braeth, however, believe their god found a stray divine spark during his travels.
An avatar is, essentially, a less-powerful duplicate of a god. An avatar serves as its god’s alter ego, effectively allowing the god to be in several places at once. They are not a separate being so much as an extension of their god, and as such cannot act independently of their creators.
An aspect is a powerful servant of a god, created in that god’s image. As opposed to avatars, aspects are distinct individuals possessed of independent thoughts and actions, though they wield considerably less power than the gods themselves. Aspects can in many respects be thought of as more powerful angels, being created in much the same manner and sharing many of the same traits.
Full list of deities
Name | Title | Portfolio | Domains | Alignment | Resident Plane |
Aegir | God of storms | Storms, oceans | Tempest, Travel | Chaotic Neutral | Ysgard |
Bahamut | God of justice | Good dragons, justice, wisdom | Life, War | Lawful Good | Celestia |
Bane | God of tyranny | Conquest, war | Order, War | Lawful Evil | Acheron |
Chronepsis | God of fate | Fate, death, judgment | Grave, Knowledge | Neutral | |
Corellon Larethian | God of elves | Arts and crafts, elves, magic, music, poetry, war | Light, War | Chaotic Good | Celestia |
Del'Braeth | God of discovery | Discovery, exploration | Knowledge, Travel, Trickery | Neutral | Varies |
Ehlonna | Goddess of the woodlands | Fertility, flora and fauna, forests, woodlands | Life, Nature, Peace | Neutral Good | Ysgard |
Erathis | Goddess of civilization | Cities, invention, law | Forge, Knowledge, Order | Lawful Neutral | |
Evening Glory | Goddess of eternal love | Love, beauty, undeath | Arcana, Death, Twilight | Neutral | Elysium |
Falazure | God of undeath | Decay, undeath, exhaustion | Death | Neutral Evil | Arborea |
Fharlanghn | God of horizons and travel | Distance, horizons, roads, travel | Knowledge, Nature, Travel | Neutral Good | |
Garl Glitterold | God of gnomes | Gnomes, humor, illusion, jewelrymaking, wit | Forge, Trickery | Neutral Good | Bytopia |
Garyx | God of destruction | Fire, destruction, renewal | War | Chaotic Evil | |
Grolantor | God of gluttony | Gluttony, hunting, combat | War | Chaotic Evil | |
Gruumsh | God of orcs | Conquest, orcs, storms, strength, survival, territory | Tempest, War | Chaotic Evil | |
Ioun | Goddess of magic | Knowledge, magic, skill, prophecy | Arcana, Knowledge | Neutral | |
Kiaransalee | Goddess of undead drow | Undeath, vengeance | Arcana, Death | Chaotic Evil | Material Plane |
Kord | God of storms and battle | Athletics, battle, courage, sport, storms | Tempest, War | Chaotic Good | Celestia |
Kurtulmak | God of kobolds | Kobolds, mining, trapmaking, war | Trickery, War | Lawful Evil | |
Lolth | Goddess of drow and spiders | Darkness, drow, spiders | Trickery | Chaotic Evil | Material Plane |
Memnor | God of pride | Cloud giants, pride, honor, mental prowess, control | Death, Knowledge, Trickery | Neutral Evil | Gehenna |
Metria | Goddess of music and poetry | Music, poetry, performance | Arcane, Life, Trickery | Neutral Good | Solaris |
Moradin | God of dwarves | Creation, dwarves, engineering, smithing | Forge, Knowledge, Order | Lawful Good | Celestia |
Nalindra | Goddess of the blazing sun | Fire, magic, retribution, sun | Arcana, Light | Neutral | |
Obad-Hai | God of nature | Beasts, freedom, hunting, nature, woodlands | Nature, Tempest | Neutral | Ysgard |
Pelor | God of the sun | Healing, light, strength, sun | Life, Light, Peace | Neutral Good | Celestia |
The Raven Queen | Goddess of death | Death, fate, winter | Death, Grave | Neutral | |
Sehanine Moonbow | Goddess of the moon | Autumn, love, moon | Knowledge, Travel, Twilight | Neutral Good | Feywild |
Semuanya | God of survival | Survival, lizardfolk, propagation | Life | Neutral | Ysgard |
Skoraeus Stonebones | God of stone giants | Stone giants, art, crafting | Forge, Knowledge | Neutral | |
Surtr | God of fire giants | Fire giants, war | Forge, Knowledge, War | Lawful Evil | Ysgard |
Thrym | God of frost giants | Frost giants, war | War | Chaotic Evil | Ysgard |
Tiamat | Goddess of greed | Conquest, evil dragons, greed | Trickery, War | Lawful Evil | Tytherion |
Vandria | Goddess of freedom | Defiance, freedom, restitution | Light, War | Neutral Good | Celestia |
Vecna | God of secrets | Intrigue, magic, secrets, undeath | Arcana, Death, Knowledge | Neutral Evil | |
Yondalla | Goddess of agriculture and halflings | Fertility, halflings, hearth | Life, Peace, Twilight | Lawful Good | Celestia |
Zilchus | God of business | Power, prestige, money, business, influence | Knowledge, Order, Trickery | Lawful Neutral |
Deceased deities
Name | Title | Portfolio | Domains | Alignment | Resident Plane |
Afflux | God of torture | Interrogation, torture, execution | Knowledge | Neutral Evil | |
Boccob | God of magic | Arcane knowledge, balance, foresight, magic | Arcana, Knowledge | Neutral | |
Elishar | God of light | Good, light, prophecy, sun | Knowledge, Light | Neutral Good | Unknown |
Erythnul | God of slaughter | Envy, hate, malice, panic, slaughter, ugliness | War | Chaotic Evil | |
Heironeous | God of justice | Chivalry, daring, honor, justice, valor, war | Order, Protection, War | Lawful Good | Celestia |
Hextor | God of discord | Conflict, discord, fitness, massacres, tyranny, war | War | Lawful Evil | |
Hlal | Goddess of entertainment | Humor, storytelling, inspiration | Trickery | Chaotic Good | |
Nerull | God of death | Darkness, death, murder | Death | Neutral Evil | Carceri |
Olidammara | God of rogues | Music, revels, rogues, tricks | Trickery | Chaotic Neutral | |
Stronmaus | God of storm giants | Sun, sky, weather, joy | Protection, Tempest, War | Neutral Good | Ysgard |
Wee Jas | Goddess of death and magic | Death, law, magic, vanity | Arcana, Death, Grave, Knowledge, Order | Lawful Neutral |